vi is a powerful screen oriented text editor for Linux/Unix
operating system, that's why very useful for file handling mainly in the field
of computational biology. Please download printable version here.
*** Some Basic vi Commands ***
For editing the file
1. vi filename [create or
edit file]
2. vi -r filename [recover the filename that was being edited]
3. Esc i [for inserting text]
4. Esc I [inserting text at the beginning of the current line]
5. Esc o [open and put a text in a new line below current line]
6. Esc O [open and put a text in a new line above current line]
7. Esc colon wq [for save and quit]
8. Esc colon q! [for quit only not for save]
9. Esc u [for undo whatever you just did]
10. Esc $ [move cursor to the end of the current line]
11. arrow keys for move up (k), down (j), left (h) and right (l)
12. :s/findme/replaceme/g [for finding and replacing with
particular character/word]
For deleting the text
1. Esc x [delete single character under the cursor if Nx means N
number of characters]
2. Esc dw [delete the single word beginning with character under
cursor if dNw same as previous]
3. dd [delete entire current line, if Ndd same delete N lines
beginning with the current line]
For copy paste
4. yy [copy the current line]
5. p [paste the line]
for more information you can type vi -h
for more information you can type vi -h
******* The end ******
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